  • 南開科技大學學雜費退費標準

Nankai University of Technology Tuition and Miscellaneous Fee Refund Standards


Those who apply for leave or withdrawal within 14 days from the day after the start of class (inclusive),no payment is required. Those who have already paid will be fully refunded.



Those who apply for leave or withdrawal on the 15th day from the start of class (inclusive) but less than one-third of the semester, two-thirds of tuition, miscellaneous fees and other fees will be refunded.


三、於上課(開學)日(含當日)之後逾學期三分之一,而未逾學 期三分之二申請休、退學者,學、雜費及其餘各費退還三分之一。

Those who apply for leave or withdrawal more than one-third of the semester but less than two-thirds of the semester after the class start date (including that day), one-third of tuition, miscellaneous fees and other fees will be refunded.



Those who apply for suspension or withdrawal more than two-thirds of the semester after the class start date (including that day), all fees paid are non-refundable.
