

Eestablishing scholarships and grants for outstanding international students, Hong Kong and Macao students, and foreign students at Nankai University of Technology




  • 為鼓勵優秀境外學生就讀本校,並協助其在校就學期間順利完成學業,特訂定「南開科技大學優秀僑生、港澳生、外國學生獎助學金設置要點」(以下簡稱本要點)

In order to encourage outstanding overseas students to study in our school and help them successfully complete their studies during their studies at Nankai University of Technology, the "Eestablishing scholarships and grants for outstanding international students, Hong Kong and Macao students, and foreign students at Nankai University of Technology, and Foreign Students at Nankai University of Technology" have been formulated.

  • 獎助對象與獎助項目Grant objects and projects
  • 獎助對象Grant objects
  1. 獲本校錄取具正式學籍之僑生、港澳生暨外國學生等新生(不含各類專班學生)。

Freshmen such as overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macao, and foreign students who have been admitted to our school with official student status (excluding students in various special classes)

  1. 就讀本校具正式學籍之僑生、港澳生暨外國學生(不含延畢及各類專班學生)。

Overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macao, and foreign students with official student status studying in our school (excluding students who have delayed graduation and various special classes).

  • 獎助項目Grant projects
  1. 新生入學獎助學金Freshman Enrollment Scholarship
  1. 優選入學獎助學金Priority admission scholarship


Those who apply through various channels (excluding transfers) and are admitted to the school will be given TWD 20,000 for the first semester, which will be deducted from the payment slip.

  1. 菁英入學獎學金Elite Enrollment Scholarship


Those who apply through various channels (excluding transfers) and are admitted to the school and have excellent results in the document review will be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees in the first semester (based on 5% of the number of overseas students in the school with formal student status (excluding various special classes) in the current semester) limit).

  1. 入學奬助學金僅擇一領取不得重複。

Only one of the admission scholarships and bursaries can be received and no duplicates are allowed.

  1. 在學獎助學金Scholarships and bursaries during study year
  1. 書卷獎學金:20人以上之班級,全班第一名享次學期學雜費全免。

Scroll Award: For classes with more than 20 students, the first place student in the class will be entitled to free tuition and miscellaneous fees for the following semester.

  1. 耕讀助學金:未達書卷獎學金標準者,次學期發放耕讀助學金20,000 元,自繳費單扣除。

Cultivation Award: Those who do not meet the standard for Scroll Award will be awarded a Cultivation scholarship of TWD 20,000 in the next semester, which will be deducted from the payment slip.

  1. 在學獎助學金僅擇一領取;亦不得重複申請本校學行優良獎助學金。

Only one of the upon scholarships and bursaries can be received and no duplicates are allowed.

  1. 專案獎助學金Project scholarships and bursaries
  1. 為積極推廣國際學術交流及境外招生,於擬定專案計畫後,簽請校長核定後辦理。

In order to actively promote international academic exchanges and overseas enrollment, after formulating the project plan, it will be signed by the principal for approval before proceeding.

  1. 本校與策略聯盟學校另行簽訂合作協定者,依協定內容辦理。

If our school has signed a separate cooperation agreement with a strategic alliance school, it shall be handled in accordance with the content of the agreement.

  1. 已獲專案獎助學金之學生除另有規定外,不得重複申請本要點之其他獎助學金。

Students who have received special scholarships and grants are not allowed to apply for this key scholarship or grant unless otherwise specified.

  • 申請資格Application qualifications
  • 新生 Freshman


 Admission notice with official student status of the school

  • 在學學生Current students
  1. 碩士班 Master

同時具備以下條件The following conditions must be met at the same time:

  1. 前學期學業成績平均70分以上

The average academic score in the previous semester is above 70 points

  1. 前學期操行成績80分以上

Conduct score above 80 points in last semester

  1. 前學期無記過紀錄

No demerits recorded in the previous semester

  1. 大學部undergraduate school

同時具備以下條件The following conditions must be met at the same time:

  1. 前學期學業成績平均60分以上

The average academic score in the previous semester is above 70 points

  1. 前學期操行成績80分以上

Conduct score above 80 points in last semester

  1. 前學期無記過紀錄

No demerits recorded in the previous semester

  • 已獲得教育部「特設獎學金」、我國政府其他機關之獎學金或校外其他單位之全額獎學金者,不得申請本要點之各項獎助。

Those who have obtained the "Special Project Scholorship" from the Ministry of Education, projects from other Chinese government agencies, or projects from other units outside the school are not allowed to apply for upon awards under this program.

  • 申請作業程序Application procedures
  • 新生於依公告期程向本校國際交流暨兩岸事務中心提出申請,經本校國際化暨國際交流委員會審議,審核結果簽陳校長核定後公告,並通知申請人。

Freshman should apply to the International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center according to the announcement deadline. After review by the Internationalization and International Exchange Committee, the results will be announced with the approval of Principal, and the applicant will be notified.

  • 在學學生免提出申請,每學期結束後由國際交流暨兩岸事務中心分兩階段提報獎助學金名單。

Current students are not required to apply. After each semester, the International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center will submit the list of scholarships and bursaries in two stages.

  1. 第一階段審核Stage one
  1. 教務處提供在學學生名單及學期成績予國際交流暨兩岸事務中心。

The Academic Affairs Office provides the list of current students and semester grades to International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center.

  1. 學務處提供在學學生學期操性成績及獎懲紀錄予國際交流暨兩岸事務中心。

The Student Affairs Office provides the semester performance records of students to International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center.

  1. 國際交流暨兩岸事務中心彙整複查,簽陳校長核定後送交會計室製作學期註冊單。

International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center compile and review, sign and approve by Principal , and then send it to the Accounting Office to make a semester registration form.

  1. 第二階段審核Stage two
  1. 教務處提供在學學生學期名次予國際交流暨兩岸事務中心。

The Academic Affairs provide semester rankings of current students to International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center.

  1. 國際交流暨兩岸事務中心彙整複查,簽陳校長核定後頒發獎學金。

International and Cross-Strait Affairs Center compile and review, issued after signature and approval by Principal Chen

  • 權利與義務Rights and Obligations
  • 獲本要點獎助之學生,應義務協助本校招收外國學生與僑生之宣傳、推廣活動。

Students who receive upon scholarship shall be obliged to assist the school in its publicity and promotion activities for recruiting foreign students and overseas Chinese students.

  • 獲本要點獎助之學生,因故休學者或辦理保留學籍者,保留其受獎權利一年;超過一年而擬復學者,需重新提出申請。

Students who have received this indicator award and who have suspended their studies for some reason or have gone through the process of withdrawing their student status will retain their right to receive the award for one year; those who intend to resume their studies after more than one year must re-apply.

  • 獲本要點獎助之學生,就學後因故退學或撤銷學籍時,需繳回已領取之新生入學獎助學金,並撤銷得獎資格。

If a student who has received this key scholarship drops out of school or has his/her student status revoked for any reason after entering school, he or she must pay back the freshman admission scholarship and bursary received, and his/her qualifications for the award will be revoked.

  • 本要點奉核定後公告,自11121日起施行。

These regulation would been announced after approval and come into effect on February 1, 2022.

  • 本要點經學生獎助學金審查委員會、行政會議審議通過,陳請校長核定後施行。修正時亦同。

This egulation would been reviewed and approved by the Student Scholarship Committee and the Executive Council, and will be implemented after being reported to the principal for approval. The same goes for making corrections.
